In this following Treatise you have 31 names of cheife spirits with severall of the ministering spirits which are under them with their seals and characters which are to be worne as a lamin on your breasts; for without that the Spirit that has appeared will not obey you, to do your will &c.
The offices of these spirits is all one, for what one can doe the other [others] can doe the same. They can shew and discover all things that is hidd and done in the world: and can fetch and carry or doe any thinge that is to be done or is contained in any of the four Elements Fier, ayre, Earth and water &c allso [they can discover] the secrets of kings or any other person or persons let it be in what kinde it will.
These spirits [being aerial] are by nature good and evill That is, one part is good, and the other part Evill. They are governed by their princes, and each prince hath his place of abode in the points of the compass — as is shewed in the following figure; Therefore when you have a desire to call any of the kings or any of their Servants, you are to direct yourselfe to that point of the compass the Kinge hath his mansion or please [place] of abode, and you cannot well erre in your operations.
Note: every prince is to observe his conjuration, yet all [are] of one forme, except the name and place of the spirit [being varied], for in that they must change and differ allso the seal of the spirits is to be changed accordingly.
as for the garments and other materiall things they are [the same as] spoken of in the Booke Goetia..
[117r is blank]
The form of the figure which discovereth the order of the 31 kings or princes wth their servant ministers for when the king is found his subjects are Easy to be found out &c.
 You may perceive by this figure that 20 of these kings have their first mantions [mansions] and continue in one place, and that ye other 11 are moveable [mobile] & are sometimes in one place sometime in another, and in some other times [they are] together more or less: therefore its no matter which way you stand with your face, when you have a desier to call any of them forth or their servants.
[The Art Theurgia Goetia: Of the thirty-one aerial spirits evoked and constrained by King Solomon.]
Carnesiell [Carnesiel] is the most great and Cheefe Emporor Ruling in The East who hath, 1000 great Dukes and a 100 lesser Dukes under him, besides 50000000000000 of ministering spirits which is more Inferior then the Dukes, whereof [wherefore] we shall make no mention [of these], but only 12, of the Cheefe Dukes and their seals, because they are sufficient for practise.
Carnesiel his Seal.
his dukes.
Myrezyn, Ornich, Zabriel, Bucafas, Benoham, Arifiel, Cumeriel, Vadriel, Armany, Capriel, Bedary, Laphor. Note, Carnesiel, when he appears, day or night, [there] attends him 60000000 000000 Dukes [spirits] but when you call any of these Dukes there never attend above 300 and sometimes not above 10 &c.
The Conuration [Conjuration] of Carnesiel as followeth
Wee Conjure thee O thou mighty & potent Prince Carnesiel who is the Emperour & cheife Comander, ruling as King in the dominion of the East who beares rule by the power of the supreame God El, over all Spirits &c.
[The conjuration is added at the bottom of the page by a second hand.]
Caspiel is the Great and Cheefe Emperor Ruling in the South who hath 200 great Dukes and 400 lesser Dukes under him, besides 1000200000000 ministering spirits, which are much Inferiour &c. whereof wee (Salomon saith) shall make noe mention, but only of 12 of the Cheefe Dukes and their seales, for they are sufficient for practise.
Caspiel his Seal.
12 of his dukes.
Ursiel, Chariel, Maras, Femol, Budarim, Camory, Larmol, Aridiel, Geriel, Ambri, Camor, Oriel.
These 12 Dukes have 2660 under [lesser] Dukes a peece [each] to attend them, whereof some of them comes along with him when he is Invocated [invoked], but they are very Stuborne and Churlish &c.
The Conjuration of Caspiel
Wee Conjure thee O thou Mighty and Potent Prince Caspiel &c.
Amenadiel is the Great Emperor of the west, who hath 300 great Dukes, and 500 lesser Dukes, besides 40000030000100000 other ministering spirits more Inferiour to attend him, wheof [whereof] we shall not make any mention but only of 12, of the cheefe Dukes and their seales which is sufficient for practice. Amenadiel his Seal. 12 of his dukes.
Vadros, Camiel, Luziel, Musiriel, Rapsiel, Lamael, Zoeniel, Curifas, Almesiel, Codriel, Balsur, Nadroc. Note Amenadiel may be called at any hour of the day or night, but his dukes (who hath 3880 servants a peice to attend them) Are to be called in Certaine houres, as Vadros he may be called in the 2 first houres of the day, Camiel in the second 2 houres of the day and so [on] successively till you come to Nadroc who is to be called in ye 2 last houres of the night, And then begin againe at Vadros &c. The same Rule is to be observed in calling the Dukes belonging to Demoriel the Emperor of the North.
The Conjuration
Wee Conjure the [thee] O thou mighty & potent Prince Amenadiel who is the Emperour & cheife King ruling in the dominion of the West &c.
[The conjuration is added at the bottom of the page by a second hand.]
Demoriel is the Great and Mighty Emperor of the North, who hath 400 great Dukes and 600 lesser Dukes with 70000080000900000 [700,000,800,000,900,000] servants under his Command to attend him, whereof we shall make mention but of 12 of the cheefe Dukes and their seales, which will be sufficient for practice.
Demoriel his Seal12 of his dukes.
Arnibiel, Cabarim, Menador, Burisiel, Doriel, Mador, Carnel (Carnol), Dubilon, Medar, Churibal, Dabrinos, Chamiel (Chamiol) [Sl.2731: Chomiel].
Note, Each of those Dukes hath 1140 Servants whoe attends [to attend] them as need Requireth for when that Duke yee call for have [hast called forth hath] more to doe then ordenary, he hath the more Servants to attend him.
the Conjuration of Demoriel
Wee Conjure thee O thou &c.
Pamersiel is the First and Cheefe spirit in the East, under Carnesiel, who hath 1000 spirits under him which are to be called in the day time, but with great care for they are very Lofty and stuborne whereof we shall make mention but of a 11 as followeth.
Pamersiel his Seal.
[His dukes.]
Anoyr, Madriel, Ebra, Sotheano, Abrulges, Ormenu, Itules, Rablion, Hamorphiel, Itrasbiel, Nadrel.
Note These Spirits are by Nature Evill, and verry false, [and] not to be trusted in secrett things but is [are] Excellent in driving away spirits of Darkness from any place, or house that is haunted &c.
To call Forth Pamersiel, or any of these his servants, chuse the uppermost [uttermost] private or secrett and most Picitt ^tacit Rome in the house, or in some Certaine Island wood or Grove or the most occult and hidden place [removed] from all commers and goers, that noe one chanc by, may (if possible) happen that way ([into your] Chamber or what soever place else, you Act yr Concerns in) observe that it be very Ayery because these spirits that is in this [120v] part are all of the Ayer, you may call these spirits into a Crystall stone or Glass Receptacle, [this] being an Ancient & usuall way of Receiveing & binding of spirits, This Cristall stone must be four Inches Diameter sett on a Table of Art made as followeth [according to the following figure] wch is truly called the secrett Table of Salomon, & having the seale of the spirit on your Breast, and the Girdle about your wast [waist] and you cannot erre, the forme of the Table is Thus, as this present figure doth here represent & shew, behold the [thee] the figure
 when you have thus prepared what is to be prepared, Rhearse the conjuration following severall times that is whilst the spirit come, for without dout he will come, note the same method is to be used in all the following part of this Booke as is here of Pamersiel and his servants. Also the same in calling the king and his servants &c.
The Conjuration of Pamersiel
We Conjure thee O Pamersiel, a Cheefe Spirit. Ruling in the East, &c.
The Second Spiritt in order under the Emperor of the East is called Padiel, he Ruleth in the East and by South as King, and governeth 10000 spirits by day and 20000, by night, besides severall Thousands under them, They are all good by nature and may be trusted. Salomon sayeth that these spirits have noe power of them selves but [only] what is given unto them by their prince Padiel. Therefore he hath made noe mention of any of their names because if any of them is called they cannot appear without the Leave of their prince as others can doe &c you must use the same method in calling this prince Padiel, as is declared before of Pamersial the seale of Padiel, is this.
Padiel his Seale.
The Coniuration
Wee Conjure thee o thou Mighty and Potent Prince Padiel, who rules as a cheife Prince or king in the dominion of the East & by South, We Invocate Camand & compell you, by the especiall name of yor God &c.
The Third Spirit placed and Ranked In order under the Cheefe Mighty great and potent King of the East is called Camuel who Regneth Ruleth and governeth as King in the South East part of the world & hath many & severall spirits under his Goverment & command whereof wee shall only make mention but of 10 that appertaineth & belongeth to the day & 10 to ye night. And Each of these have 10, servants to attend on them ^each except Camyel, Sitgara, Asimel, Calym, Dobiel and Meras, for they have 100 a peice to attend them, but Tediel, Moriel & Tugaros, they have none at all, They appear all in A verry Beautifull forme,& verry Courteously, And in ye night as well as in ye day &c They are as followeth wth their Seales. Camuel his Seal.
10 of his Servants belongg to ye day & will appeare in the night.
Orpemiel, Omyel, Camyel, Budiel, Elcar, Citgara, Pariel, Cariel, Neriel, Daniel.
Ten of his servants belonging to the Night & will appr in the day.
Asimiel, Calim, Dobiel, Nodar, Phaniel, Meras, Azemo, Tediel, Moriel, Tugaros.
The Conjuration of Camuel,
Wee Coniure the O thou &c: Camuel who rules &c. in the South East part of the World, We Invocate &c.
The Fourth Spirit in order is called Aseliel he governeth as King under Carnesiel, in the South and by East he hath 10 cheefe spirits belonging to ye day, and 20 to the night, under whome are 30 principall spirits, and under those as many, whereof wee shall make mention, but of, 8 of ye cheefe presidents belonging to the day, And as many belonging to the night, And every one hath 20 servants at his command, they are all very courtious and Loving, and beautifull to behold &c They are as followeth with their seales.
Aseliel his Seale. 8 of his Servants belonging to the day.
Mariel, Charas, Parniel, Aratiel, Cubiel, Aniel, Asahel, Arean.
8 of his Servants belonging to the Night.
Asphiel, Curiel, Chamos, Odiel, Melas, Sariel, Othiel, Bofar.
The Coniuration of Aseliel as followeth.
Wee Conjure thee O thou Mighty & potent prince Aseliel, who rules as a cheif prince or King under Carnesiel, in the South & by East, &c.
The fift [fifth] spirit in order is called Barmiel; he is the first and cheefe spirit under Caspiel, The Emperour of the South [He ruleth] as king [of the South] under Caspiel, and hath 10 Dukes for the day: And 20 for the night to attend him to doe his will, the which is all very good, and willing to obey the Exorcist, whereof wee shall make mention but of 8 that belongs to the day, and as many for the night, with their seals for they are sufficient for practice, Note Every one of these Dukes hath 20 servants apiece to attend him when he is called, Excepting the 4ur last that belongs to the night, for they have none, They are as followeth with their Seales. Barmiel his Seale.
8 of his servient dukes belonging to the day.
Sochas, Tigara, Chansi, Keriel, Acteras, Barbil, Carpiel, Mansi.
8 of his Servants ^dukes belonging to the Night.
Barbis, Marguns, Caniel, Acreba, Mareaiza [Sl.2731: Morcaza], Baaba, Gabio, Astib.
The Coniuration of Barmiel as followeth
Wee Coniure thee O thou mighty & potent Prince Barmiel, who rules as a cheife Prince or King in the South under Caspiel, &c:
The six spirit in order, but the second under the Emperour of the south is called Gediel; who Ruleth as a kinge in the South & by West who hath 20 cheefe spirits to serve him in the day, & as many for the night, and they have many servants at their commands whereof wee shall make mention, but of 8 of the cheefe spirits that belonge to the day, And as many of those belonge to the night: who hath 20 servants apiece to attend them when they are called forth to appearance, they are very willing, loving and courteous to doe your will, &c whose names & seals is as followeth: Gediel his Seale.
The 8 dukes belonging to the day that is under Gedial [sic].
Coliel, Naras, Sabas, Assaba, Sariel, Ranciel, Mashel, Bariel.
The 8 dukes belonging to the night.
Reciel, Sadiel, Agra, Anael, Aroan, Cirecas, Aglas, Vriel.
The Coniuration of Gedial [sic] as fol:
Wee I conjure thee O thou mighty & potent prince Gediel, who ruleth as King in the South & by West, We Invoke constraine comand &c.
The seventh spirit in order, but the third under the great Emperour of the South is called Asyriel, he is a mighty kinge, Ruling in the South West part of the world and hath 20 great Dukes to attend him, in the day time, and as many for the nights, who hath under them severall servants to attend them &c here wee shall make mention [but] of 8 of the cheefe Dukes that belongs unto the day, And as many that belong to the night, because they are sufficient for practice: And the first 4 that belongs unto the day: And the first 4 that belongs to the night hath 40 servants apiece to attend them: And the last 4 of the day, [have] 20, and the last 4 of ye Night [have] 10 apiece: they are all good natured & willing to obey, [Note] those that is of the day, is to be called then [in the day], And those of the night in the night: &c these be their names & Seales that followeth:
Asyriel his Seale.
The 8 dukes yt belongs to ye day under Asyriel.
Astor, Carga, Buniel, Rabas, Arcisat, Aariel, Cusiel, Malguel.
The 8 for the night.
Amiel, Cusriel, Maroth, Omiel, Budar, Aspiel, Faseua, Hamas.
The Conjuration
Wee Conjure thee &c: who rules as a cheife king in the South West &c.
The eighth spirit in order But the fourth under the Emperour of the South is called Maseriel, Who Rulleth as king in the Dominion of ye West, and by South, and hath a great number of princes & servants under him, to attend him, whereof we shall make mention of 12 of the cheefe [Dukes] thatt attend him in the day time, and 12 that attend him to doe his will in the night time, which is sufficient for practice, they are all good by nature & willingly will doe your will in all things: those that is for the day, is to be called in the day, And those for the night in the night, they have every one 30 servants apiece to attend them & their names and seales is as followeth.
Maseriel his Seale.
The 12 that belongs to the day under Maseriel.
Mahue, Roriel, Earviel, Zeriel, Atniel, Vessur, Azimel, Chasor, Patiel, Assuel, Aliel, Espoel.
These 12 following belong to the Night.
Arach, Maras, Noguiel, Saemiel, Amoyr, Bachiel, Baros, Eliel, Earos, Rabiel, Atriel, Salvor.
The Coniurat:
Wee Coniure thee &c: Maseriel who rules as cheife Prince or King in the dominion of West & by South &c.
The ninth spirit in order, but the first under the Emperour of the West is called Malgaras — he Rulleth as king in the Dominion of the West, and hath 30 Dukes under him to attend him, in the day, and as many for the night, and several under them againe; whereof wee shall make mention of 12 Dukes that belongs to the day, and as many as belongs to the night, And every one of them hath 30 servants to attend on them Excepting Misiel, Barfas, Aspar, & Deilas, for the [they] haue but 20 and Arois & Basiel, they have but 10: &c. They are all very courteous and will appear willingly to due your will, they Appear 2 & 2 at a time wth their servants, They tht are for the day is to be called in the day and those for the night in the night. Their Names and seals is as followeth:
Malgaras his Seale.
The 12 dukes that belonges to the day.
Carmiel, Meliel, Borasy, Agor, Casiel, Rabiel, Cabiel, Udiel, Oriel, Misiel, Barfas, Arois.
12 dukes for the night.
Aroc, Dodiel, Cubi, Libiel, Raboc, Aspiel Caron, Zamor, Amiel, Aspar, Deilas, Basiel.
The Coniuration &c.
Wee Coniure thee &c: Malgaras who ruleth &c: in ye West &c.
The tenth spirit in order, But the second under the Emperour of the West is called Dorochiel, who is a mighty prince bearing Rule in the West, and by North, and hath 40 Dukes to attend [on] him in the day time, and as many for the night, with an Innumerable company of servants spirits, whereof wee shall make mention of 24 Cheefe dukes that belongs to the day, and as many for the night, with their seales as followeth. Note the 12 first that belonge to the day, and ye 12 first that belongs to the night hath 40 servants apiece to attend on them: And the 12 last of both the day, and of the night hath 400 apiece to Attend on them when they appeare, &c Allso those of the day is to be called in the day and those of the night in the night: Observe the planetary motion in calling, for ye 2 first that belongs to the day are to be called in ye first planetary hour of ye day: and the 2 next in ye second planetary hour of the day, and soe successively on till you have gone quite threw ye day and night, till you come to the 2 first againe &c. They are all of a good nature and will willingly obey &c. Their names and seales is as followeth:
the 24 dukes belongg to ye day, 12 before noone.
Magael, Artino, Efiel, Maniel/Efiel, Suriel/Maniel, Carsiel/Suriel, Carsiel, Fabiel, Carba, Merach, Althor, Omiel
Heere followeth the 12 dukes, afternoone.
Gudiel, Asphor, Emuel, Soriel, Cabron, Diviel Abriel, Danael, Lomor, Casael, Busiel, Larfos.
The 24 Dukes that belong to the night under Dorochiel &c. These 12 before Mightnight [midnight]. Nahiel, Ofisiel (?), Bulis, Momel, Darbori, Paniel, Cursas, Aliel, Aroziel, Cusyne, Vraniel, Pelusar.
These 12 after midnight.
Pafiel, Gariel, Soriel, Maziel, Futiel, Cayros, Narsial, Moziel, Abael, Meroth, Cadriel, Lodiel.
The Coniuration of Dorochiel as followeth
Wee Coniure thee O thou mighty &c: dorothiel, who ruleth as King in the West & by North, wee Invocate &c:
The eleventh spirit in order, But the third under the Emperour Amenadiel is called Usiel, who is a mighty prince Ruleing as king in the North West. he hath 40 Dyurnall [diurnal], and 40 nocturnall Dukes to attend on him in the day and the night, whereof wee shall make mention of 14 that belongs to ye day and as many for ye night which is sufficient for practice, the first 8 that belongs to the day hath 40 servants a piece And the other 6 hath 30. And the first 8 that belongs to ye night hath forty Servants a piece to attend on them, And the next 4 Dukes 20 servants, And the last 2 [of the night] hath 10 a piece, and they are very obedient and doth willingly appeare when they are called, they have more power to hide or discover Treausures [treasures] then any other spirits (saith Salomon) that is contained in this Booke, and when you hide, or would not have anything taken away that is hidden, make these four seals
 [from right to left: the seals of: Adan, Ansoel, Magni and Abariel] in virgins parchment and lay them with ye Treasury, where the Treasury lyeth and it will never be found nor taken away. The names and seals of these spirits is as Followeth.
Usiel his Seale.
The 14 dukes yt belong to the day.
Abariel, Ameta, Arnen, Herne, Saefer, Potiel, Saefarn, Magni, Amandiel, Barsu, Garnasu, Hissam, Fabariel, Usiniel.
The 14 dukes that belong to the Night.
Ansoel, Godiel, Barfos, Burfa, Adan, Saddiel, Sodiel, Ossidiel, Pathier, Marae, Asuriel, Almoel, Las Pharon, Ethiel.
 The Conjuration of Usiel as fol:
Wee Conjure thee O thou mighty &c: Usiel who ruleth as cheif Prince or King under Amenadiel in the North West &c.
[126r is blank]
The twelfth spirit in order, But the fourth under the Emperour of the West is called Cabariel; [Sl2731 adds: who is a mighty prince Ruling in the west & by North] he hath 50 Dukes to attend on him in ye day and as many in the night, under whom are many servants to attend on them, whereof wee shall make mention but of 10 of the cheefe Dukes that belongs to the day, And as many for the night, & every of them hath 50 servants to give attendance when their masters is Invocated, &c. Note Those Dukes that belongs to the day is very good and willing to obey their Master, and is ^are to be called in the day time, And they of the night is ^are by nature Evill & Disobedient, and will deceive you if They can &c they are to be called in the night: The names and seales of them all are as followeth:
Cabariel his Seale:
The 10 yt belongs to ye day:
Satifiel, Parius, Godiel, Taros, Asoriel, Etimiel, Clyssan, Elitel, Aniel, Cuphal.
The 10 dukes for the Night.
Mador, Peniel, Cugiel, Thalbus, Otim, Ladiel, Morias, Pandor, Cazul, Dubiel.
The Coniuration of Cabariel as followeth.
We Conjure thee O thou mighty & potent Prince Cabariel &c: who ruleth as king in the North & by West &c.
The 13th Spirit in order But the first under Demoriel: the Emperour of the north is called Raysiel, he ruleth as King in the north, & hath fifty 50 dukes for the day, and as many for the night to attend him, & they have many servants under them againe — for to doe there will &c. where of these we shall make mention of 16 cheife dukes that belong to the day, because they are by nature good & willing to obey, & but [only] 14 that belong to the night, because they are by nature evill & stubborne & disobedient, & will not obey willingly – all those dukes that belong to the day have 50 servants a peece, exceping the 6th Last, for they have but 30 a peece & the 8 first that belonge to the night have 40 sarvants [sic] a peece excepting the 4 next following for they have but 20 a peece, & the last 2 have but 10 a peece, there names & seales are as followeth vixt –
Raysael his seale.
The 16 dukes that belong to ye day.
Baciar, Thoac, Sequiel, Sadar, Terath, Astael, Ramica, Dubarus, Armena, Albhadur, Chanaei, Fursiel, Betasiel, Melcha, Tharas, Vriel.
The 14 dukes that belong night.
Thariel, Paras, Arayl, Culmar, Lazaba, Aleasi, Sebach, Quibda, Belsay, Morael, Sarach, Arepach, Lamas, Thurcal.
The Coniuration of Raysael as fol:
Wee Coniure thee &c.
The 14th spirit in order, But the second under the Emperour of the North is called Symiel. who ruleth as King in the North & by Easte who hath 10 dukes to attend him in the day & a 1000 for the night & every one of these have a certaine number of sarvants; whereof we shall make mention of the 10 that belong to the day, & 10 of those that belong to the night & those of the day are very good & not disobedient, as are those of the night for they are stubborne & will not appeare wi1lingly &c allsoe those of the day have 720 sarvants amongst them to doe there will, & the rest of the night have 790 servants to attend on them as occasion sarveth, the names of these 20 are as followeth, with theire seales & number of sarvants &
Symiel his Seale. The 10 dukes that belong to ye day.
Asmiel 60, Chrubas 100, Vaslos 40, Malgron 20, Romiel 80, Larael 60, Achol 60, Bonyel 90, Dagiel 100, Musor 110.
the 10 dukes that belong to the night.
Mafrus 70, Apiel 30, Curiel 40, Molael 10, Arafos 50, Marianu 100, Narzael 210, Murahe 30, Richel 120, Nalael 130.
The fiveteenth [sic] spirit in order, But the third under the Emperour of the North is called Armadiel, who rulleth as king in the North East part, and haue many dukes under him besides other servants, whereof we shall make mention of 15 of the cheefe Dukes who have 1260 servants to attend him [on each of them]. these dukes are to be called in ye day and night dividing ye same into 15 parts beginning at sun rising with ye first spirit and so on till you come to ye last spirit and last division of the night, these spirits are good by nature and willing to doe your will in all things. These be there names and seals &c.
Armadiel his Seale. Fifteene of his dukes.
Nassar, Parabiel, Lariel, Calvarnia, Orariel, Alferiel, Oryn, Samiel, Asmaiel, Jasziel, Pandiel, Carasiba, Asbibiel, Mafayr, Oemiel.
The Conjuration
I conjure thee o thou mighty and potent prince Armadiel &c.
The 16th spirit in order, But the fourth under the Emperour of the North is called Baruchas — who rulleth as [a] king in the East and by North and hath many Dukes and other several spirits to attend him whereof we shall make mention of 15 of the cheefe Dukes that belong to the day and night who have 7040 servants to attend on them: they are all by nature good and are willing to obey [you,] &c. you are to call these spirits in the same manner as Ishewed [sic] in ye foregoing Experiment [example] of Armadiel and his Dukes: vizt dividing ye day and night into 15 parts and &c. the names and seales of these as followeth —
Baruchas his Seale.
Fifteene of his dukes.
Quitta, Sarael, Melchon, Cavayr, Aboc, Cartael, Janiel, Pharol, Baoxas, Geriel, Monael, Chuba, Lamael, Cartael, Decariel.
The Conjuration of Barachus
I conjure Thee o thou mighty and potent prince Barachus &c.
[Here followeth the wandering dukes]
In this place we are to giue you the understanding of a 11 of a mighty and potent princes with their servants wch wander up and down in ye Aire and never continue in one place, &c.
whereof one of the Cheefe and first [of the wandering spirits] is called Garadiel[1], who hath 18150 servants to attend him, for he hath no Dukes nor princes. Therefore he is to be Invocated alone, but when he is called there cometh a great number [many] of his servants with him, but more or less according to [with] the howre of ye day and hour or night he is called in, for in [the] 2 first hours of the day according to ye planatary motion, and the two second hour [sic] of the night there cometh 470 of his servants with him and in the 2 second hours of ye Day. and ye 2 third hours of ye night there cometh 590 of his servants with him and in ye 2 third hours of the day and ye 2 fourth hours of ye night there cometh 930 of his servants with him and in ye 2 fourth hours of ye day and ye 2 fifth hours of ye night there cometh 1560 of his servants &c and in ye 2 fifth hours of ye day and the 6th 2 hours of ye night there cometh 13710 of his servants and the 6th 2 or last 2 hours of ye day there cometh 930 and In the 2 first houres of ye night there cometh 1560 of his servants &c. they are all indifferent good by nature and will obey in all things willingly &c.
The manuscript has Geradiel here, but Garadiel below.
The Seal of Garadiel.
The Conjuration of Garadiel
I conjure thee o thou mighty and potent prince Garadiel who wandereth hear and there in the Aire with thy servants I conjure the Garadiel that thou forth with appeareth with thy attendance in this first hour of ye Day here before me in this Crystall stone or here before this Circle &c.
The next of these wandring princes is called Buriel, who hath many Dukes & other servants which doe attend on him to doo his will they are all by nature evill and are hated by all other spirits. They they [sic] appeare Rugish [roguish] and in the form of a serpent with a virgins head and speak with a mans voice: They are to be called in the night, because they hate the day and in the planetary houres, whereof wee shall mention 12 of the cheefe Dukes that answereth to the 12 planetary houres of the night who [each] have 880 servants to attend on them in the night amongst them their names and seales are as followeth with the name of Buriel.
Buriel his Seale.
The 12 dukes are as followeth.
Merosiel, Almadiel, Cupriel, Sarviel, Casbriel, Nedriel, Bufiel, Futiel, Drusiel, Carniel, Drubiel, Nastros.
The Conjuration
I conjure Thee o thou mighty and potent prince Buriel who wandereth here and therre in the Aire with the [thy] Dukes and other thy Servient Spirits I conjure thee Buriel that thou fore with appeare with thy attendance in the first hour of ye night, here before me in this crystall stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comly shape to doe my will in all things that I shall desier of you &c:
The third of these wandering spirits or princes is called Hydriel, who hath 100 great Dukes besides 200 lesser Dukes and servants without number under him, whereof we shall mention 12 of the Cheefe Dukes which hath 1320 servants to attend them: They are to be called in ye Day as well as in ye night according to the planetary motion. The first beginneth with the first hour of ye day or night and so succesfully [successively] on till you come to the last, they [also] appeare in the forme of a serpent, with a virgins head and face: yet they are very courteous and willing to obey, they delight most in or about waters and all moist grounds. There names and Seales are as followeth:
Hydriel his Seale.
The 12 dukes are as followeth.
Mortoliel, Chamoriel, Pelariel, Musuziel, Lameniel, Barchiel, Samiel, Dusiriel, Camiel, Arbiel, Luciel, Chariel.
The Conjuration
I conjure Thee o thou mighty and Potent prince Hydriel. &c c c c
The fourth ^in order of these wandering princes in order is called Pirichiel, He hath no princes nor Dukes under him But knights: whereof we shall mention 8 of them They being sufficient for practice who have 2000 servants under them, They are to be called according to ye planetary motion. They are all good by nature, and will doe your will willingly. Theire Names and Seales are as followeth.
Pirichiel his Seale. his eight Knights.
Damarsiel, Cardiel, Almasor, Nemariel, Menariel, Demediel, Hursiel, Cuprisiel.
The Conjuration
I conjure Thee O thou mighty and potent prince Pirichiel; who wandreth &c.
The 5th wandering prince is called Emoniel, who hath a hundred princes and cheef Dukes, besides 20 under [lesser] Dukes and a multitude of servants to attend him whereof wee shall mention 12 of the cheef Princes or Dukes — who have 1320 Dukes & other Inferiour Servants to attend them They are all by nature good and willing to obey: it is said they Inhabit most in the woods: they are to be called in the day as well as in the Night, and according to ye Planetary order. Their names and seales are as followeth, Emoniel his Seale. His 12 dukes are as followeth.
Ermoniel, Edriel, Carnodiel, Phanuel, Dramiel, Pandiel, Vasenel, Nasiniel, Cruhiel, Armesiel, Oaspeniel, Musiniel.
The Conjuration
I conjure Thee o Thou mighty and Potent Prince Emoniel: who wandereth &c.
The sixth of these wandring princes is called Icosiel, Who hath a 100 Dukes & 300 companions besides other servants which are more Inferiour whereof we have taken 15 of ye Cheefe Dukes for Practice they being sufficient, &c. they haue 2200 servants to attend them. They are all of a good nature and will doe what they are commanded. They appeare most commonly in houses because The [they] delight most therein. They are to be called in the 24 houres of the day and night: That is to devide the 24 houres into fiveteen parts according to the number of the spirits, begining with the first at Sunrise and with the last at Sun riseing next day &c. Their names and Seales are as followeth. Icosiel his Seale.
His 15 dukes are as followeth.
Machariel, Pischiel, Thanatiel, Zosiel, Agapiel, Larphiel, Amediel, Cambriel, Nathriel, Zachariel, Athesiel, Cumariel, Munefiel, Heresiel, Urbaniel.
The Conjuration
I conjure Thee O thou mighty and Potent Prince Icosiel, &c.
The 7th of these is called Soleviel, who hath under his command 200 Dukes, and 200 Companions who change every year their places, They have many servants to attend them They are all good and very obedient &c. here we shall mention 12 of the Cheefe Dukes whereof the first 6 are Dukes one year, and the other 6 the next following and so rulling in order to serve there prince. They have under them 1840 servants to attend on them they are to be called in the day as well as in the night: according to the planetary hours or motion. Their names and seales are as followeth.
Soleviel his Seale.
his 12 dukes.
Inachiel, Praxeel, Moracha, Almodar, Nadrusiel, Cobusiel, Amriel, Axosiel, Charoel, Prasiel, Mursiel, Penador.
The Conjuration
I conjure Thee O thou mighty and Potent Prince Soleviel who wandereth &c.
The eighth of those wandering princes is called Menadiel, who hath 20 Dukes & 100 companions and many other servants. They being all of a good nature and very obedient. here wee have mentioned 6 of the cheefe Dukes and 6 of ye under [lesser] Dukes or companions, they haue 390 servants to attend them: Note you must call these according to ye planetary motion [with] a Duke in ye first hour and a companion in the next [hour] and so succesfully [sucessively] on through all the houres of ye day or night. whose names and seales are as followeth:
Menadiel his seale.
his 12 dukes.
The 6 cheife dukes.
Larmol, Drasiel, Clamor, Benodiel, Charsiel, Samyel.
The 6 under dukes.
Barchiel, Amasiel, Baruch, Nedriel, Curasin, Tharson.
The Conjuration
I conjure thee O thou mighty and potent Prince Menadiel. who wand:
The 9th spirit in order that wandereth is called Macariel, who hath Dukes besides a very many other Inferiour Servants to attend on him, whereof wee shall mention 12 of the Cheefe Dukes who have 400 servants to attend them. They are all good by nature & obedient to doe ye will of ye Exorcist. They appeare in divers formes but most commonly in ye forme of a dragon with virgins heads: These Dukes are to be called in the day as well as night according to ye planetary order. Their names and seales are as followeth.
Macariel his Seale.
his 12 dukes.
Claniel, Drusiel, Andros, Charoel, Asmadiel, Romyel, Mastuel, Varpiel, Gremiel, Thuriel, Brufiel, Lemodac.
The Conjuration
I conjure Thee O thou mighty and potent prince Macariel (who wandereth &c.
The 10th spirit in order that wandereth or great prince is called Uriel, who hath 10 cheef Dukes and 100 under [lesser] Dukes with many servants to attend him. They are by nature Evill and will not obey willingly and are very false in their doings. They appear in the form of a serpent with a virgins head and a face: whereof we shall mention but ye 10 cheefe Dukes who haue 650 Companions & servants to attend them &c There names and seales are as followeth —
Uriel his Seale.
His 10 Dukes:
Chabri, Drabros, Narmiel, Frasmiel, Brymiel, Dragon, Curmas, Drapios, Hermon, Aldrusy.
The Conjuration
I conjure thee O Thou mighty and potent prince Uriel. who wandereth &c.
The 11th and last prince of this wandering order is called Bidiel who hath under his command 20 Dukes and 200 other Dukes wch are more Inferiour, besides very many servants to attend him. These Dukes change every year their office and place. They are all good and willing to obey the Exorcist in all things &c They appeare very Beautifull and in a humane shape whereof wee shall mention 10 of ye Cheefe Dukes who have 2400 servants to attend them, their Names and Seales are:
Bidiel his Seale.
his 10 great dukes.
Mudirel, Cruchan, Bramsiel, Armoniel, Lameniel, Andruchiel, Merasiel, Charobiel, Parsifiel, Chremoas.
The Conjuration to the wandring Princes
I conjure Thé o Thou mighty and potent prince Bidiel, who wandereth hear and there in the aire with thy Dukes and other of thy Servants spirits, I conjure Thee Bidiel that thou forthwith come and appeare with attendance in this first hour of ye day here before me in this Cristall stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comly shape to do my will in all things that I shall desier of you &c. *
The Conjuration to the princes that Govern the points of the compass:
I conjure thee o thou mighty and potent prince N. who ruleth as a cheefe prince or king in the dominion of the East (or &c) I conjure thee N that thou fortwith appeareth with Thy attendance in this first hour of ye day here before me in this cristall stone (or hear before this Circle in a fair and comely shape to doe my will in all things that I shall desier of you &c *
To the Dukes that wander
I conjure thee O thou mighty and potent duke N. who wandereth hear and there [in the aire] with thy Prince N. and others of his &c Thy servants in ye Aire. I conjure Thee N. that thou forwith [forthwith] appeareth &c.
To the Dukes that governeth the Point of the Compasse with their Prince.
I conjure Thee O thou mighty and Potent Duke N. who ruleth under thy prince or king N. in the dominion of the East (or &c) I conjure thee N. that thou forthwith appeareth , allone (or with [thy] servants) [of the air] in this first (or second) houre of the day, here before me in this cristal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely shape, to doe my will in all things that I shall desire or request of you *. I conjure and powerfully command of you N. By him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerfull names of god and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday. The on1y lord god of the hosts, That you forthwith appearth unto me here in this Cristall stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doeing any harme to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peacibly, vissibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desiere, being conjured by the name of ye Eternall Liveing and true god: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton. and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure command and constraine you spirit N. by Alpha and Omega. By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharao [Pharoah], and all the people of Ægypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia. with [which] Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay [135r] and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton. To whome all creatures are obedient and by the dreadfull Judgement of the high god and by the holly angells of heaven and by the mighty wisdome of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of ye world and make rational answers unto all things I shall aske thee ^of you, and come you peaceable vissible and affable speaking unto me with a voyce Intelligible and to my understanding Therefore come, come yee in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, Come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.
When he is appeared shew him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying [as follows:]
[The Address unto the Spirit upon his coming]
behold the Pentacle of Salomon which I have brought before your presence &c as is shewed in the first Booke Goëtia. at the latter end of the conjurations: allso when you haue had ye desier of the Spirits: licence them to depart as is shewed there &c..
And so ends the second Book called Theurgia Goetia
Note The above written conjurations doe onely differ in the first part as is shewed there untill you come to these markers and * But from thence forward they are to be all one and ye same.
Nota, wheresoever in this Booke Theurgia Goetia in some parts of the Seales I haue used these fine strokes ///////. That part of the seal is to be all black which I did not doe because this paper is to course and thine &c.